There is a place for you at Salem!
If you're new or existing at Salem, we can help you feel at home with a group of friends who will love you and walk with you through life. For a face to face meeting with someone about our programs and facilities, call our office at 706-259-7045. We also meet one Sunday evening a month at 4pm in our Family Life Center (Connections Room) with a program called C.A.R.E. Enjoy light refreshments and meet our staff and members of our congregation.
The purpose and focus of Sunday school at Salem Baptist Church is “Others”. We are going to love and care for others through fellowship, loving in-reach, evangelistic outreach, and the study of God’s Word.
There is a place for you in Salem’s Sunday School at 9:30am and 10:45 am each Sunday morning. Our Sunday school program ministers to the entire family, from the Cradle Roll to Senior Adults. There is a class that will fill your need, whatever your age. We invite you to join us for a cup of coffee, a cookie, and a sweet time of fellowship and Bible study. This is always an exciting and enjoyable time of learning and sharing God’s Word.
The purpose and focus of Sunday school at Salem Baptist Church is “Others”. We are going to love and care for others through fellowship, loving in-reach, evangelistic outreach, and the study of God’s Word.
There is a place for you in Salem’s Sunday School at 9:30am and 10:45 am each Sunday morning. Our Sunday school program ministers to the entire family, from the Cradle Roll to Senior Adults. There is a class that will fill your need, whatever your age. We invite you to join us for a cup of coffee, a cookie, and a sweet time of fellowship and Bible study. This is always an exciting and enjoyable time of learning and sharing God’s Word.